Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Hello readers,

As a Republican, I've been keeping up with the polls for the potential nominees. Though polls alone are hardly a completely reliable barometer of who will win (as we've seen before) it definitely reveals interesting things about the race.

  • Clinton v. Republicans Polls
    To my shock and suprise, Clinton currently loses to most Republican contenders for the nomination.

    "But it was a poll published this week by Zogby International showing Mrs. Clinton losing to all major Republican candidates, including former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, which hit a sensitive campaign nerve and sent Clinton pollsters into overdrive."

    Seriously, this surprised me. A pleasant surprise, but a shocker nonetheless. I honestly hope this stays true, more specifically that this stays true and Clinton gets nominated (as in the same polls Obama and Edwards beat out all Republicans). But Clinton is a political beast and we'll see what happens. It's a year til the election or so.
  • Huckabee Leading Polls
    Now we all have read the news on this. And despite everything Huckabee is currently taking the polls by storm.

    Dec. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is surging nationally in the Republican presidential race as he runs better than 3-to-1 ahead of his nearest competitor among religious conservatives.

    Now unlike other conservatives and Republicans, I am not going to be jumping on the Huckabee bandwagon. I don't know who I am supporting, but I know it will not be Gov. Mike Huckabee. I will give further reasons later, but mainly because he is too economically liberal and I doubt his experience.

In other non-related news, Venezuela's initiative to become a socialist state was defeated at the polls 51-49. Chavez is currently accepting them. While it is a nice temporary reprieve for the Bush administration, most likely he will win future polls. Also another little nugget of good news, that Brasilian government has found a huge oil field off their coast (Tupi Oil Field) which has anywhere from 5 billion to 8 billion barrels of oil. This puts the pro-American Brasil on the map and sidelines the anti-American Chavez at the moment. We'll see how things go.


1 comment:

John Doe said...

I notice you link to HSD. Who are you there? IM_R? This is Shaun from